A photonic crystals is a dimensionally ordered dielectric materical or structure having a spatial periodic dielectric constant with a lattice parameter comparable to the wavelength of the electromagnetic wave. 光子晶体是指介电常数随空间呈周期性变化的材料或结构,其周期为电磁波长量级。
Frequency selective surfaces, is a two-dimensional periodic array structure which can be used to the electromagnetic wave frequency selection, so it is often used as a spatial filter. 频率选择表面(FSS),是一种二维周期性阵列结构,它可以对电磁波进行频率选择,所以经常被用作空间滤波器,可分为带通、带通、低通和高通四类。
Bragg structure is a kind of periodic structure that exhibits so-called stopband phenomena, where the propagation of the electromagnetic wave within specific frequency range inside such a structure can be well suppressed due to the constructively Bragg scattering. 布喇格(Bragg)结构是一类具有电磁禁带特性的周期结构,即电磁波在这种结构中传播时,某些频率范围内的电磁波由于受到相干布喇格散射的影响使传播受到极大抑制。
The frequency selectivity relies on the interaction between periodic structure and electromagnetic wave, which behaves as the total reflection ( for patches) or transmission ( using apertures) in the neighborhood of the element resonant frequency. FSS的频率选择性源于其周期性结构与电磁波的相互作用。当入射波的频率接近贴片或孔径的谐振频率点时,FSS表现出全反射或全透射特性。
Generally, EBG structure is periodic metal-dielectric structure, whose distinct property is artificial control of the electromagnetic wave. The electromagnetic wave in the band-gap can not propagate. 电磁带隙结构一般是具有周期性的介电结构,它有一个显著的特点是可以人为地控制电磁波的运动,频率落在带隙中的电磁波是禁止传播的。